Get a state of the art Advanced Signature
Advanced Electronic Signature (AES)
ZealiD offers one of the most secure and cost-effective advanced signature solutions in the market.


Zealid advanced electronic signature
ZealiD advanced signatures are based on qualified certificates:
- ZealiD advanced signatures are based on qualified certificates
- Qualified trust service providers are under authorization and supervisory body supervision
- ZealiD qualified certificates can be validated against EU trusted list

Zealid advanced electronic signature
ZealiD has certified its remote signature creation devices:
- The integrity of the e-signing device (The ZealiD app) is certified to the highest level qualified
- The registration (identity verification) and signing device is the same service (The ZealiD app)
- The ZealiD app qualified authentication certificate is used for advanced signing guaranteeing highest security in signing

“The future of digital onboarding is to ensure that all future use cases delight your users: smartphone FaceID for any important consent, login, signature, and registration. Leave the costly and complex liability and compliance aspects to us and rely on a standards based infrastructure with EU authorized providers.”
Philip Hallenborg
ZealiD Founder

Zealid advanced electronic signature
ZealiD identity proofing is EU state of the art:
- ZealiD uses registration that are certified to state of the art national (German) remote identification legislation
- ZealiD identity verification service is certified by TüvIT - EU's leading IT security and eIDAS conformity assessment body
- ZealiD registration costs are some of the lowest in the industry bringing costs down significantly for advanced signing

About Zealid
A technology you can trust
ZealiD is a Qualified Trusted Service Provider specialising in issuing Secure Electronic Signatures - Qualified Electronic Signatures. These are recognised within EU Member States as legally binding.
ZealiD is certified as a Registration Authority, meaning that we provide remote identification services.
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